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Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere

Fellowship and Service

Address: PO Box 220
Tiburon/Belvedere, CA 94920
Phone: 415-747-5828

Club of Tiburon-Belvedere

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Welcome! We're the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere, and we're members of the community who embrace Rotary International's motto, Service Above Self. We've been serving the community and taking on meaningful projects at home and abroad since 1977. Our focus is on youth, literacy and community, and we believe that reaching out to others makes a better world. Here's what we've supported so far this year.

Rotarians lend a hand at the Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary

Youth—Investing in the Future

• Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity: Support to provide a safety net of stable housing, guidance and community connections for young people 16 to 25, who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless in Marin County.

• The Book Exchange: Supporting literacy in Marin County and around the world.

• Marielos Fund: A scholarship to send a young woman in El Salvador to medical school.

• Shifting Gears Scholarship Fund: Support for a career vocational education center in Marin County

Meaningful Projects—Service Above Self

• Get Ready to Go 94920: Supporting activities at a local special event devoted to emergency preparedness.

• Homeward Bound of Marin: Support for outfitting rooms at a new building to house homeless veterans.

Marin Housing for All: Rotarian Cindy Siciliano's program to help Marin County's unhoused population.

The Great Book Caper

The saga of sending books to Africa

President Kathleen introduced Marilyn Nemzer and pointed out that her work at the Book Exchange over the past 37 years shows if you have a great idea, it’s possible to be successful if you have vision and tenacity.

“This project began two years ago,” said Marilyn, who added that she has 100 more stories she could tell. She worked with five Rotary clubs in Tanzania, and Past District Governor Young Kimaro of the Rotary Club of Mwika was Marilyn’s initial contact, and the current District Governor is Francisco Ssemwanga. The hero of the story, however, is Rotarian Twaha Kibayasi, a member of the Rotary Club of Dar es Salaam Oysterbay.

The story began when Al Angulo, a member of the Rotary Club of Novato called Marilyn in February 2022 to say that his club wanted to send books to Tanzania. The plan was to send 20,000 books to benefit 25 schools. They were transported to Africa via the Pacific Ocean, and the Book Exchange took some of the money our club and Tiburon Sunset had donated to pay for shipping. Volunteers carefully packed and labeled the boxes, and “We ended up with 20 pallets,” she  said.

On Dec. 18, 2022, they loaded the books into a Maersk container. It arrived at the Book Exchange in Terra Linda at 5:30 p.m., so they had to do the work at nighttime, and they fit the last pallet into place at 11 p.m., just as the forklift ran out of fuel. On December 20, the container was loaded onto a ship in Oakland, and in January 2023, the books were on their way.

By then, it was a new year, and Dr. Edmund Issae had taken over as District Governor. He found Twaha, who is the owner and president of a clearing and shipping company and knew the government’s regulations and how to get a shipment of books cleared. Relying on his knowledge and experience, they thought nothing could go wrong. Nevertheless, 10 months later, the books hadn’t been distributed, and they sent a letter to the Minister of Education and Vocational Training asking for the books to be distributed to the intended schools. The government, however, had found some books in someone else’s shipment that they found to be contrary to the dignity and cultural norms and values of Tanzania and instituted a book ban.

Dar es Salaam is the port in Tanzania, and the books were going to Dodoma, which is a 7-hour and 16-minute drive away. The minister was not available, however, so they couldn’t get permission to deliver them. Meanwhile, Twaha was storing the books for free. Next, the Tanzanian Institute of Education demanded a list of all the books and authors, and Twaha oversaw the unpacking of the books to get all the titles and authors so they could meet the requirement. They still couldn’t get permission to distribute the books, however. A year had gone by since the shipment had left Oakland, and Twaha advised returning the books to Marilyn. “I just fell apart,” she said.

“They were not coming back here,” she said, and she got in touch with Francisco Ssemwanga, who was now the Rotary Governor of District 9214 in Uganda, and made pkans to send the books to schools in that country. Twaha had the necessary connections to arrange to truck the books to Uganda, but she needed funding to cover the cost, and on Feb. 26, 2024, she sent out an urgent request to clubs that hadn’t already donated to the Book Exchange. She needed $2,900 and received about $4,000.

She thought it would be smooth sailing to Uganda, but encountered yet another problem, when the Ugandan government required an exact count. The tally showed 39,000-plus books in 933 boxes, and with that requirement fulfilled, the truck headed for Uganda. Just 10 miles from the border, however, the vehicle broke down and had to wait several days for parts and repair. Then when the truck finally arrived at the border, it didn’t have permission to proceed, and the driver threatened to dump the books and return to Dar Es Salaam. At last, on May 9, 2024, they received permission to cross the border into Uganda, and the books arrived in Kampala.

Next, they needed approval to distribute the books. Melissa Prandi, (above) of the Rotary Club of San Rafael, has a nonprofit that serves children in Uganda, and she appealed to a member of her board for help, and DG Ssemwanga, the founder of two schools in Uganda, gave them a credible destination to qualify for approval. Finally, on June 14, 2024, the books were unloaded at Pride College in Kampala, and on June 18, Rotarians, Rotaractors and teachers distributed the first books in Nsambya, a neighborhood in Kampala.

Marilyn donated excess funds to Rotary International in Twaha’s name for a Paul Harris Fellow Award to honor his Service Above Self.

Questions and Comments

“Do you have any other stories like this,” asked Angelo Capozzi?

Marilyn said that she’s had frustrating experiences, but nothing like this. Fortunately, it had a good ending.

“Who did you pay money to?” asked Angelo, recalling Rotaplast International’s challenging experiences and so many things they didn’t expect. On a recent mission to Kampala, for instance, customs took all their boxes of equipment, opened them and kept everything for two days. “They were looking for drugs,” said Angelo, and “It put us behind a whole day.” He added that some countries ask for bribes, and Ethiopia wanted $13,000, when they went there.

George Landau recalled that when our club first helped with a shipment of books, somebody decided to put in children’s shoes, which caused all kinds of problems. He also remembered that on his first trip to Liberia, when he was leaving, authorities at the airport asked for a certificate of head tax. “You’re exporting your head, so you must pay a head tax,” he explained. He knew the minister of mines and got him to sign off so his group could leave the country.

“Do you know what happens long-term?” asked Angelo, and Marilyn said that Melissa (in photo at left) will be going back to Uganda and might find out. She added that the cost of the shipment was about $10,000, so it was less than 50 cents a book.

She said she’d sworn never do another international shipment but relented and did one to the Philippines a couple of months ago.

Revati Natesan said that ThinkGlobal Arts had problems with a shipment to Haiti, but it’s exciting to see goods that will be beneficial for children finally arrive on another country’s soil.

Kathleen thanked Marily and presented her with a check for $1,000 for the Book Exchange.




5:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 17: program to be announced

If you'd like to be a guest speaker, please send an email to strotzproperties@gmail.com

If you'd like to visit, we'd be delighted to meet you. Our meetings take place at noon on the first Wednesday of the month and at 5:15 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month in the Founders Room at the Belvedere Tiburon Library.

If you'd like to be a guest speaker, at a future meeting please contact Marianne Strotz at strotzproperties@gmail.com or Lata Setty at latapatent@gmail.com

Board of Directors Meetings
Meetings of the Board of Directors are open to all members and take place monthly at a time to be announced, usually on Zoom. For information, please send an email to judith@telli.com.

Contact us at rotary@telli.com.

Send mail to Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere, P.O. Box 220, Tiburon, CA 94920.

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tbrotary. Hope you "like" us!




Dr. Kimberly McGrath presented Michelle Lee with a Rotary Educator of the Year Award for 2024. “I’m so proud to be here with you to honor Michelle,” she said.


“It’s my pleasure to present this award,” said Dr. Marie Bordeleau, as she presented Lisa Veto with a Rpotary Educator of the Year Award for 2024. “I couldn’t be more proud.”


Kudos to DeAnn Biss for her leadership at the Tiburon Peninsula Chamber of Commerce.

Bocce Champs

Congratulations to our team for winning the Bocce Ball Tournament, a fundraiser for Rotaplast
International, on Sunday, September 10, at Marin Bocce Federation in San Rafael.

(l. to r.) Charlie Oewel, Stephanie Schmautz, Peter Lagarias, Marshall Gross and Stefanie Cho. Missing from photo: Angelo Capozzi and George Landau.

Rotary Educators of the Year, 2023

(l. to r.) Ryan Sonneville of Del Mar Middle School, Jawanda Smart, of St. Hilary School, Rotary President Kathleen Defever, George Landau. Photos Marshall Gross

Celebrating Angelo's 90th Birthday 

Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity

George Landau gives a check from the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere Foundation to Zara Babitzke, executive director of Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity, a Mill Valley nonprofit that rescues young people at risk of becoming homeless and puts them on the path to successful lives.



Kathleen Defever plays Bocce. Photos: Marshall Gross

Teammates Kathleen Defever and Angelo Servino

Anastasia Fink, Charlie Oewel and Marianne Strotz


Scroll down to see our photo gallery of Rotarians at work and play!


District Governor Gary Chow of the Rotary Club of South San Francisco, administered the oath of office, launching Kathleen Defever's second year as president.

George Landau presented Janet Cerni, teacher/librarian at Del Mar Middle School, with an Educator of the Year award. Her peers in the Reed Union School District selected her for the honor.

Angelo Capozzi and George Landau presented Ben Cambell with an award, a certificate, and a check.

Angelo Capozzi presented Michael Bronson with a Rotary Educator of the Year award at a school assembly.

District Governor Danielle Lallement, Assistant District Governor Anne Sands, President Kathleen Defever (2021-2022) and Past-President Annette Gibbs (2019-2021)

Linda Emberson and President Kathleen presented Cindy Siciliano with a Service to the Community Award for her work helping the homless.

“She is tireless in assisting people who are needier thank herself,” said Linda. “She identifies a need and just jumps in and does it.”

The Rev. Christine Trainor of St. Stephen's Church assisted in presenting a Service to the Community Award to Sunny Lyrek. “She goes above and beyond and always has a sunny disposition,” said Christine, explaining that Sunny helps those at the margins of our community and does it with love and devotion. She has been providing meals for 85 need families since March 2020 and has also been helping the homeless.

Angelo Servino helped with presentation of a Service to the Community Award to brothers Natale and Vittorio Servino of Servino Ristorante and Caffè Acri. "I'm so proud of them," he said. They earned recognition for pivoting the business to create a market and offer items such as hand sanitizer and toilet paper, which local residents were unable to find. They also donated boxes of fresh produce to a local food pantry during the pandemic.


President Kathleen Defever thanked Annette Gibbs for her service and presented her with native milkweed seeds, a butterfly house, a book about butterflies and a gift certificate so she can create a habitat for Monarch butterflies in her garden. Linda Emberson gave Annette a bouquet of flowers.

District Governor Danielle Lallement gives Kathleen the oath of office. Among the requirements she asked her to repeat: “I will promise to keep healthy, ask for support and above all have fun.”

“We wish you an amazing 2021-2022 Rotary year,” said DG Danielle. “It is my pleasure to introduce to you your president for the 2021-2022 year.”


Angelo Capozzi picking up groceries from the food pantry at The Ranch to deliver to residents of The Hilarita.

Cindy Siciliano, of the Rotary Club of Tiburon Sunset, has been helping the residents of the homeless encampment at Dunphy Park in Sausalito. Linda Emberson and George Landau of the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere joined her on Sunday, March 7, to prepare and serve a pancake breakfast.

Marianne Strotz, Revati Natesan and Geneva Michaelcheck at Happy Hour at the Club at Harbor Point. Photo: Marshall Gross


Julie Aubrey visited from Rotary International's headquarters in Evanston, Illinois.

(l. to r.) Irene Russell, Kathleen Defever, Helen Lindqvist and Bill Lindqvist at the Tiburon Peninsula Chamber of Commerce mixer at the downtown Tiburon firehouse.


President Annette Gibbs presented Jessica Hochkiss with a check for $1,000  for The Ranch from the club’s foundation, which will help low-income children attend day camp. “We currently have two large summer camps going on,” said Jessica, and she explained that they take kids to Angel Island every day. “The camp has gone on for 40 years,” she said, and some of today’s campers have parents who attended when they were young.

The Ranch is a nonprofit, and “Every little bit helps,” she said, expressing her gratitude.


Past-president Linda Emberson and incoming President Annette Gibbs at the Installation Celebration

Lata Setty, Zohre Grothe and Lata's son, Deven Ramachandran

Warren and Irene Russell


Having fun at the Tiburon Classic Car Show!
Rotary in the community: Cindy Siciliano and Linda Emberson made it look easy, as they spent the day flipping burgers, hot dogs and corn on the cob for scores of happy customers.


Past District Governor Ron Gin, now district membership chair, presents Mike Keran with a pin in honor of his being chosen Rotarian of the Month for District 5150.

District Governor Jayne Hulbert and First Husband Gene Duffy paid the club a visit.

Cindy Siliciano of the Tiburon Sunset Rotary Club (left) and President Linda Emberson of the Tiburon-Belvedere club get ready to toss goodies to kids at the Labor Day weekend hometown parade. (Photo: Marshall Gross)


Welcome New Members

Membership chair Angelo Capozzi welcomed new members Neelam Kanwar (upper photo) and Lynn Spitler (lower photo).


Jim Deitz

It is with profound sadness that President Linda Emberson announces the passing of beloved member Jim Deitz on Friday, July 13. Jim exemplified Rotary's motto, Service Above Self, and his altruistic spirit was a model for everyone. He was devoted to his family, loved dogs and was one of the best. We'll miss him terribly.


Good Work

(l. to r.) Lisa Brinkmann of Marin Villages accepts a check from Marianne Strotz, and Michael Heckmann presents a check to Michael Keran for St. Vincent de Paul. Photo: Lynn Fox


Rotarian of the Month

District 5150 named Michael Keran Rotarian of the Month for May. Mike's much-deserved honor is in recognition of his ongoing commitment to St. Vincent de Paul and helping the homeless in Marin County. In addition, he recruits a crew of Rotarians to serve lunch at the St. Vincent de Paul Free Dining Room in San Rafael every month. May marked the beginning of the 12th year of this service project.


Annette Gibbs (left) and Shelby Gross joined the Rotary contingent and got into the spirit
of this year's first Friday Night on Main


Celebrating Earth Day

Having Fun at Friday Night on Main

Angelo Capozzi (left) and Neelam Kanwar planted trees at Homeward Bound as part of Rotary International's initiative to plant one tree for every Rotarian. Photo: Marshall Gross


Lending a Hand at St. Vincent de Paul

Stalwart volunteers (l. to r.) Klaus Meinberg, Michael Keran and Angelo Capozzi in the kitchen of the St. Vincent de Paul Free Dining Room in San Rafael. The Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere serves lunch on the fourth Thursday of every month and will begin its twelfth year of volunteering, under Mike Keran's leadership, in May. Angelo is team leader for the club's participation in the REST program, and he and Klaus also served dinner to a group of homeless men at St. Hilary's Church the same day. Service Above Self at its best!


First meeting at Sam's


Rotary does REST

The Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedre hosted dinner for a group of 25 homeless men who were spending the night at St. Hilary's Church on Thursday, February 15, as part of the REST (Rotating Emergency Shelter Team) program.

Members of the Rotary crew (above, l. to r.), John Kaufmann, Angelo Capozzi, Brian Walker, Raja Ramachandran and Deven Ramachandran, took a break before serving dinner to guests in Tarantino Hall. Lata Setty, Annette Gibbs, Bill Goldberg, Zohre Grothe, Karl Hoppe and Lata Setty were also on hand to help. The evening featured good conversation, great appetites and uplifting camaraderie, as well as good food.which included homemade lasagna that Deven, Lata’s son, helped prepare as a family Valentine’s Day project, and Mary Kaufmann'a delicious oatmeal cookies and cupcakes decorated with hearts.


Karen Glader welcomes new member Valerie Marsh to the club and gives her a Rotary pin.


Rotarians have fun in the Day Before-Labor Day parade.



The Town of Tiburon issued a proclamation in honor of the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere's 40th anniversary, which we will celebrate in June, and the 100th anniversary of the Rotary International Foundation. Pictured, left to right, are George Landau, President Linda Emberson and Tiburon Mayor Jim Fraser. Photo: Marsall Gross.


Visitor from Afar

Rehmah Kasule (above left), with President Linda Emberson) is the Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Kampala/Impala in Uganda. She took the opportunity to visit us when she was at a conference in San Francisco in October. In 2010, she received recognition at the White House for her work in empowering women and met President Obama. She then wrote a book, From Gomba to the White House. She shared an African proverb: “When you walk fast, you walk alone. When you walk with others, you go far.”



Marshall Gross donated two beautiful puppets that he won in a gift basket to Rotaplast's mission in Cebu City, Philippines. Dr. Angelo Capozzi (with the big dog) reports that the puppets are making kids smile every day before undergoing surgery, and the mission is going well.


Tiburon Challenger

Charlie Oewel, representing the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere, accepted a generous check from Ashoo Vaid (middle) of Wells Fargo and tournament director Brendan Curry (right) at the conclusion of the Tiburon Challenger. The funds will go to the club's education projects. (Photo: Getty Images for Revd)


Rotary welcomes Kimberly Brooks

District Governor Jeri Fujimoto (center) inducted new member Kimberley Brooks (right) as Kimi's sponsor, Joe Lavigne, looked on. Photo: Marshall Gross



Tari Nix and friend pull wagons with books for kids from the Global Book Exchange, as Marianne Strotz walks alongside, wheeling a Rotary sign. (Photo: Marshall Gross)

To see more photos of the parade, go to www.tiburonrotary.org and click on "Photo Gallery."


President Linda Emberson (left) of Tiburon-Belvedere and President Marilyn Nemzer of Tiburon Sunset hitch a ride with Michael Heckmann in the Day Before Labor Day Parade. (Photo: Marshall Gross)

Dana and Chester (left), making friends.

Winter in August was the theme of the Tiburon Peninsula Chamber of Commerce's mixer at the Boardwalk. President Linda Emberson took the prize for the most creative hat.


Jon Rankin views the on-court action at the annual Bocce Ball Tournament, a fundraiser for Rotaplast International. (Photo: J. Wilson)


Changing of the Guard

Thanks to President Marianne

President Linda Emberson (left) thanks outgoing President Marianne Strotz (right) for her two outstanding years of leadership with a special Rotary jacket, as Karen Glader, the club's new secretary, looks on. (Photo: Marshall Gross)


Honors for Angelo

Dr. Angelo Capozzi (left) and Dr. John Kaufmann with a child who underwent surgery during a Rotaplast mission to Peru in May 2016. (Photo: Courtesy of Rotaplast International)


Service Above Self

Dave Hutton presents the Capt. Dave Hutton Rotary Service Above Self Award to Kendall Hermann, graduating senior at Del Mar Middle School, for her outstanding performance in community service. The presentation took place at a special awards assembly in June. Photo: Marshall Gross


Teachers of the Year

(Left to right) RUSD Superintendent Nancy Lynch, Bel Aire School's Kelly Morphy, Reed School's Ross Modlin, Rotarian George Landau and Erin Turner of St. Hilary School (photo: Marshall Gross)



Mary Kaufmann and Jon Rankin got into the spirit of Carnaval, a fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere. For more, see the photo gallery at www.tiburonrotary.org. (Photo: Marshall Gross)


The Rotary Club of Mill Valley’s project to build greenhouses in the high Andes of Peru provides the people with a place to grow fresh produce to improve their diets and give them products to sell at local markets, providing them with a source of income. When Mill Valley Rotarians went to Peru, they enjoyed dancing with the people they were helping.